シェアハウス アイリスでは、以下のハウスルールがあります。
- ゴミ出し当番(満室時月一回程度)
- 共用部掃除当番(満室時月一回程度)
- 感染症対策の徹底
- 早朝・夜間の騒音禁止
- 敷地内全面禁煙
- ペット禁止
There are house rules in the sharehouse. Please read it through before contacting us.
- Garbage Duty (Once a month when all the rooms are occupied)
- Shared Space Cleaning Duty (Once a month when all the rooms are occupied)
- Thorough infectious disease measures
- No Noise in the early morning and late at night.
- Smoking is not allowed.
- Pets are not allowed.