甲府駅徒歩15分のシェアハウス アイリス
15 minutes walk from Kofu station.
それが、シェアハウス IRIS アイリス です。
This is a sharehouse where everyone live like a family.
In 2025, the environment for international exchange is in place.
Please contact us from the inquiry form below.
Initial cost is the first and last months rent. It must be paid by the day before moving in.
Rent for the following month is due by the end of the month.
When you move out, notify us a month ahead. The last month rent will be covered from the initial cost you paid when you moved in.
甲府駅北口徒歩15分 | 15minutes walk from Kofu station north exit.
できます。事前にルームメイトへ連絡をお願いします。 YES. Please inform roommates in advance.
机やベッドなど、基本的な家具は備え付けです。 There are basic furniture like desks and beds.
18歳以上でハウスルールを守れる方であればどなたでもお住み頂けます。 As long as the person is over 18 years old and can respect the house rules, anyone can live here.
包丁やまな板はもちろん、フライパンや電子レンジなど、基本的な調理器具はご自由にお使い頂けます。 There are basic cooking tools like a knife, cutting board, microwave, etc. Please feel free to use them all.
はい、可能です。Yes it is available.
敷地内全面禁煙です。Smoking is not allowed on the premises.
残念ながらペットはお断りしています。Unfortunately Pets are not allowed.